Thursday, May 31, 2012
New blog :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
5am rambling.
So it's 5am and I have consumed too much caffeine yet my mind feels pretty fried, so this post will just be a bunch of ramble about what has transpired during the week and random stuff.
I have completely effed my sleeping pattern again -_-
I got into this routine of sleeping at midnight and waking up at 8am, but now it's almost bed time at 8am and wake up not long after.. terrible.
I believe im stuck in a rut. I really need to get a job fast !!
I get a gym membership so I can become less lazy and lethargic, and all it has done is eaten away at my wallet whilst I lay in bed watching tv thinking "I could go to the gym today but (insert lame excuses here)"
But anyway this is hopefully only a short phase, and ill be back to awesome.
Speaking of awesome; moving plans.
So last post I had written about moving in with my sister, right? well, her lease ends soon so we are house hunting for a place by the beach in Glenelg. Emailed some agents, fingers and toes are crossed that we get this certain place we fell in love with. Just thinking about it gets me all excited!
To be honest, it's been a quiet week !
Went to see my friend Lucy's new apartment on Tuesday, it's so cute. We blew our budget at Brunelli's, and I went to bed with the worst stomach cramps. Spent Wednesday day bed ridden, Visit from Liam that night to watch the new episode of New Girl and get some subway. Thursday late night shopping with Michael, which brings us to today where I rolled around on the living room floor watching The Hills.
I haven't really got a lot of thoughts that make sense at... 5:31am. While my brains high on caffeine and my body is slowly falling asleep, I'm finding it really difficult to write this blog haha.
This feeling is too common. I should really do something about it.
I have completely effed my sleeping pattern again -_-
I got into this routine of sleeping at midnight and waking up at 8am, but now it's almost bed time at 8am and wake up not long after.. terrible.
I believe im stuck in a rut. I really need to get a job fast !!
I get a gym membership so I can become less lazy and lethargic, and all it has done is eaten away at my wallet whilst I lay in bed watching tv thinking "I could go to the gym today but (insert lame excuses here)"
But anyway this is hopefully only a short phase, and ill be back to awesome.
Speaking of awesome; moving plans.
So last post I had written about moving in with my sister, right? well, her lease ends soon so we are house hunting for a place by the beach in Glenelg. Emailed some agents, fingers and toes are crossed that we get this certain place we fell in love with. Just thinking about it gets me all excited!
To be honest, it's been a quiet week !
Went to see my friend Lucy's new apartment on Tuesday, it's so cute. We blew our budget at Brunelli's, and I went to bed with the worst stomach cramps. Spent Wednesday day bed ridden, Visit from Liam that night to watch the new episode of New Girl and get some subway. Thursday late night shopping with Michael, which brings us to today where I rolled around on the living room floor watching The Hills.
I haven't really got a lot of thoughts that make sense at... 5:31am. While my brains high on caffeine and my body is slowly falling asleep, I'm finding it really difficult to write this blog haha.
This feeling is too common. I should really do something about it.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
August - Present.
Gosh. I haven't blogged in such a long time. August 17th - present, so much has happened.
I feel I stopped blogging because after my positive happy with life post, things became a bit bleak and I had a lot to sort out emotionally.
Well, from August - now, you have missed out on:
- I became pretty sick at one stage. Blood tests were taken but I never found out what was wrong. It passed. I came to the conclusion it was my body reacting badly to a medication I just got off of after 9 years. That was fun ha.
- had a birthday, organized an awesome event, had to cancel it. Due to being unsure if I'd be well enough for it, and because I just wasn't in the mood anymore. I planned to have a joined birthday with the boyfriend but we ended so thinking about going through with it just made me feel crapper lol.
- yeah, relationship ended. I still don't know why. It went from my fault to not my fault to a million stupid reasons, like 'my texts are too long and frequent'. I had my friends contact me telling me he was trying to get with them. Telling them a lot of untrue things such as 'Bec has moved on with other men, I can pretend it doesn't hurt but it does' which was far from the truth and seeking comfort in his own doing just got to me even more as he didn't realize during that period of time all I could do is lay in bed crying being a woman. This kind of caused a big downward spiral in what was beginning to feel like the perfect life. Lost my job, got ridiculously sick, couldnt pay rent, couldnt afford to eat anymore, more family drama, lost the person who meant the most to me. Let's just say I did not take it well at all.
- whole outlook on life became crappy, which caused a change in my attitude for a while.
- drinking a little too much the worse things got. From being sick, I missed my exams. I tried to organize a way around it, called them up and I was told I can only repeat next semester but I couldn't get a refund. This sucked because, I didn't have a job so I couldnt afford to continue my study. That made me feel pretty fail.
- August until now, I have had a few interviews, the more I was rejected, the harder I took it. It's life though! Bound to happen. Still unemployed though.
- Christmas without the family. It's just a day so it's not a big deal but the problem with it was because of some fall outs in the family, I felt I was punished despite putting on a fake face to make my family happy and hope it could make the day somewhat bare able. Everybody had family to go to. Brother and sister spent it in Sydney, mum and dad spent it with extended family in Queensland. It was the first Christmas without my parents. I just missed the little things, like, mums over ecstatic-ness and amazing food preparing, dad dressing as Santa XD laying in the sun with the dogs listening to cheesy Christmas music.
- a group of friends celebrated my birthday with me regardless and surprised me with cake at midnight. I felt so happy I could have cried lol, it was exactly what I needed at the time.
- I moved out of Urbanest. This should be a low. It was great in theory. I won't forget the amazing times I had there but things got way too tough and by the end of it, I really needed a change of scenery.
I live with my sister now. Rent still isn't really affordable but I'm managing. Late night marathons of Sex and the City, The Hills etc. girly chats until all hours of the morning <3
- seeing more of my amazing friends. Reuniting with old school friends. This has meant the most to me really.
- attending more events. Went to stereosonic, birthdays, outings to the Duke + other places. Some of the best memories came out of these.
- met someone who makes me smile. As gay as this is all going to sound -_- I think my outlook on things has improved dramatically since having this certain somebody in my life. I'm very thankful.
Watch this space for awesome blogging again. I just had to get this not so positive post out the way first.
I feel I stopped blogging because after my positive happy with life post, things became a bit bleak and I had a lot to sort out emotionally.
Well, from August - now, you have missed out on:
- I became pretty sick at one stage. Blood tests were taken but I never found out what was wrong. It passed. I came to the conclusion it was my body reacting badly to a medication I just got off of after 9 years. That was fun ha.
- had a birthday, organized an awesome event, had to cancel it. Due to being unsure if I'd be well enough for it, and because I just wasn't in the mood anymore. I planned to have a joined birthday with the boyfriend but we ended so thinking about going through with it just made me feel crapper lol.
- yeah, relationship ended. I still don't know why. It went from my fault to not my fault to a million stupid reasons, like 'my texts are too long and frequent'. I had my friends contact me telling me he was trying to get with them. Telling them a lot of untrue things such as 'Bec has moved on with other men, I can pretend it doesn't hurt but it does' which was far from the truth and seeking comfort in his own doing just got to me even more as he didn't realize during that period of time all I could do is lay in bed crying being a woman. This kind of caused a big downward spiral in what was beginning to feel like the perfect life. Lost my job, got ridiculously sick, couldnt pay rent, couldnt afford to eat anymore, more family drama, lost the person who meant the most to me. Let's just say I did not take it well at all.
- whole outlook on life became crappy, which caused a change in my attitude for a while.
- drinking a little too much the worse things got. From being sick, I missed my exams. I tried to organize a way around it, called them up and I was told I can only repeat next semester but I couldn't get a refund. This sucked because, I didn't have a job so I couldnt afford to continue my study. That made me feel pretty fail.
- August until now, I have had a few interviews, the more I was rejected, the harder I took it. It's life though! Bound to happen. Still unemployed though.
- Christmas without the family. It's just a day so it's not a big deal but the problem with it was because of some fall outs in the family, I felt I was punished despite putting on a fake face to make my family happy and hope it could make the day somewhat bare able. Everybody had family to go to. Brother and sister spent it in Sydney, mum and dad spent it with extended family in Queensland. It was the first Christmas without my parents. I just missed the little things, like, mums over ecstatic-ness and amazing food preparing, dad dressing as Santa XD laying in the sun with the dogs listening to cheesy Christmas music.
- a group of friends celebrated my birthday with me regardless and surprised me with cake at midnight. I felt so happy I could have cried lol, it was exactly what I needed at the time.
- I moved out of Urbanest. This should be a low. It was great in theory. I won't forget the amazing times I had there but things got way too tough and by the end of it, I really needed a change of scenery.
I live with my sister now. Rent still isn't really affordable but I'm managing. Late night marathons of Sex and the City, The Hills etc. girly chats until all hours of the morning <3
- seeing more of my amazing friends. Reuniting with old school friends. This has meant the most to me really.
- attending more events. Went to stereosonic, birthdays, outings to the Duke + other places. Some of the best memories came out of these.
- met someone who makes me smile. As gay as this is all going to sound -_- I think my outlook on things has improved dramatically since having this certain somebody in my life. I'm very thankful.
Watch this space for awesome blogging again. I just had to get this not so positive post out the way first.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
long time.

Victoria Justice *_*
hah, regular blogging. It never happened >_<
There is just too much awesome is happening in the real world to sit and blog every night.
So many assignments making my brain explode. But on the other hand it amazes me how much new knowledge i'm absorbing every day! I look forward to new assignments and sitting in lectures. Isn't that strange.
Work didn't need me anymore, so they fired me. At first I was a bit uneasy about this due to money, but I got that all sorted now I can live without a job, Thankfully, Because I would really like to focus on study the next year and a half !
So really there was a major positive to that negative.
I have been noticing the positives to every negative that has occurred recently, and many life lessons along the way. It's great really.
To much amazing things to blog about, so I won't. But everything is 100% awesome in every aspect.
Doing a lot of iCarly / Victorious watching
aaaaand back to study.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tuesday - Friday

These two photos..
Note to self: if you don’t want to do things, pick up something so you look busy ><.
Facebook really does get in the way of things. It will be the first thing I do when I go onto the net. So bad ~_~ intense study is coming up too. Must restrain from updating regularly !
I haven’t been blogging in the past few days because I became too busy, then my internet decided to die, so I will recap the past few days !
Other than working, I went to an Information Seminar on Tuesday for TAFE. Pretty boring day was had. I was beginning to feel pretty sick too \:
Wednesday , I had to take work off because I felt pretty sick in the morning. My friend was popping by town late afternoon, In hope I had a dinner buddy, I took some pain killers, I kept my fluids up, Met with him and went grocery shopping The boyfriend was feeling pretty down and confused for the past few days, so to cheer him up, I bought him a hat ! Specific style hat he had been after for almost a year, since he lost his first one. So I thought it would be a good surprise!
After grocery shopping, we couldn’t resist some half price sushi, so we bought pumpkin and sweet potato sushi <3 the best !
Today, Malaysian Curry with Bok Choy, mini corns, Bamboo shoots, beans and carrot.

Step 1, Cut ingredients.
Step 2, cook the vegetables ^_^
Step 3, add curry sauce.
Step 4, the best step, EAT. Serve with an amazing drink.
Previous post, I had tasted my first Chai Hot Choc at my favourite dessert place ! so I tried to make it at home. Next time I won’t use choc soy milk, But choc powder and full cream milk instead. it still tasted pretty amazing :D
The bf arrived within 5mins after my friend leaving.

The smile stayed for quite a while, which was my goal, it was good to see him happy <3 (dodgy blurry photo due to walking at same time)
Stayed up late just chatting, time went so fast and next minute it was 5am 0_0” WILL NOT get back into that pattern !
Ronnie : I’m hungry ! BRB SAUSAGE AND EGG MC MUFFIN !
He returned with a bagel for me <3 and his mc muffin. A rather amazing (yet unhealthy) 5am snack.
Thursday, Went to tafe to sort out my lessons! Had to run to bus for work, feeling pretty sick !
Work was intense , extra intense because I was unwell. They got my shift covered for Friday more money lost. So really my Friday had been relax all day !
I thought I should only eat healthy , in order to speed up my recovery.

Jasmine Tea ! Bok Choy ! Egg ! Kimchi & chilli sauce to clear the nasal passage :DD
was a very successful lunch.
Ruined this healthy day with some greasy noodles & soft drink for dinner ._. “ oops.
Now to confirm my TAFE lessons online , then bed. Looking forward to starting TAFE ! I hope I can handle the work load (look out for stress related posts in the next month)

class deets, to put in on the website, which isn't working right now *_*
My first blog on a mac (had to use free computers downstairs from my apartment) .. So uncomfortable to use! I don't think I could ever own a mac ><"
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sundays + Washing adventures.
I don't usually enjoy my sundays. Kind of like the whole monday shenanigan.. Sunday makes me feel, blegh. EXCEPT THIS SUNDAY !
Work started off pretty decent ! I had my doubts, but as I started, to my surprise, a fruit platter was sitting on the counter for us to eat :D and then some cute cupcakes!
Sadly, their is a rule against having phones on you during shift, so I couldn't get pictures.
One of the cafe managers were slightyly iffy about some pizza dough, so she cooked up a pizza to test it, so we had free pizza too !
Then, it got pretty busy.. I made myself a latte, then somebody cancelled their order for chicken nuggets and chips, so we ate them too !
I stayed back an extra 2 hours, time flew by ~
I felt like a fatty, ha !
So I took the stairs to my apartment tonight. 8th floor, it killed my legs. Hopefully with more practice, I can manage running the whole way :D
So I decided now was a good time to do my washing !

Took the stairs again. They are quite eerie , and smell of urine at some points.. until you get to floor 1 (second pic) and it becomes nice again.
Forgot washing powder =_= had to go fetch it, and start again.
The lifts break down often.. I can't imaging lugging my washing up 8 flights of stairs. Hopefully I never witness that.

View from first floor, laundry etc.
All in all, a pretty lame experience. $4 doesn't wash very well, and my clothes were still wet, but I had no more $1 coins on me so I settled with my damp clothes.
Relax mode, opened a beer, finished off some curry. I am enjoying my Sunday <3
On another note ! I plugged my webcam in for the first time in a few months. Looking at some of the pictures I think.. DID BRACES REALLY MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE? I looked so young O= ! I don't see that youthful face when I look into the mirror anymore >_<"

and, 3kg of oranges will go off if I don't eat them soon. I'm tempted to make a dessert with them. but what to do..?
Pointless post, Finito !
Work started off pretty decent ! I had my doubts, but as I started, to my surprise, a fruit platter was sitting on the counter for us to eat :D and then some cute cupcakes!
Sadly, their is a rule against having phones on you during shift, so I couldn't get pictures.
One of the cafe managers were slightyly iffy about some pizza dough, so she cooked up a pizza to test it, so we had free pizza too !
Then, it got pretty busy.. I made myself a latte, then somebody cancelled their order for chicken nuggets and chips, so we ate them too !
I stayed back an extra 2 hours, time flew by ~
I felt like a fatty, ha !
So I took the stairs to my apartment tonight. 8th floor, it killed my legs. Hopefully with more practice, I can manage running the whole way :D
So I decided now was a good time to do my washing !

Took the stairs again. They are quite eerie , and smell of urine at some points.. until you get to floor 1 (second pic) and it becomes nice again.
Forgot washing powder =_= had to go fetch it, and start again.
The lifts break down often.. I can't imaging lugging my washing up 8 flights of stairs. Hopefully I never witness that.

View from first floor, laundry etc.
All in all, a pretty lame experience. $4 doesn't wash very well, and my clothes were still wet, but I had no more $1 coins on me so I settled with my damp clothes.
Relax mode, opened a beer, finished off some curry. I am enjoying my Sunday <3
On another note ! I plugged my webcam in for the first time in a few months. Looking at some of the pictures I think.. DID BRACES REALLY MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE? I looked so young O= ! I don't see that youthful face when I look into the mirror anymore >_<"

and, 3kg of oranges will go off if I don't eat them soon. I'm tempted to make a dessert with them. but what to do..?
Pointless post, Finito !
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hello, I am a woman.
This. This is what I want.

Anyways, while we are on the subject of being a woman, This is my kitchen ! haha :D I really enjoy living in town ! although it has its down sides too. Like the convenient pizza place next door and then the 24hr McDonalds next to that. I vowel everytime I give into temptation, I will take the stairs instead of the elevator. It never happened lol.

Anyways, Getting ready for dessert with Pris ! I decided to take photos of rooms in the home. I skipped my bedroom due to mess >_<

BUT THIS IS MY BATHROOM CABINET. My current, yet ongoing obsessions are Sebastian and TonyMoly products <3
Sebastian is too expensive for my lack of money right now :C thankfully, my sister is the Accounts Manager at Proctor and gamble, for Wella and Sebastian Products, so I get it for free :D I recommend this product. And it smells so good <3
Tonymoly, skin products ! I believe they work really well for my skin type ! It's hard to recommend skin products for others as everyones skin reacts differently to face products, otherwise I would say 100% get on this !! :D
that pretty much concludes my bathroom cabinet anyway ! Minus Rusk products and Redken , which I don't use as much since the Sebastian addiction. And the dry shampoo comes in handy every so often ^^
OK my saturday was pretty relaxing ! except being woken up by work calling, I decided to decline working because the past few shifts have taken alot out of me, I was really looking forward to the day off today !
I celebrated by lounging around with the bf , then had dinner and spoke to the house mates.

I decided on a healthy dinner because I was going out for dessert later on. Sesame flavoured rice crackers with Chilli and Mayo, Tuna & lettuce. then mixed veggies on the side.

we ordered some Curry Puffs & Roti Paratha for starters ~
We would usually go with a home-made lemon ice tea for the beverage, but I thought I would try something different.

Chai and Hot Chocolate, Amazing <3 ! new favorite.

Pear & Quince Vanilla Cake & Honey & Pomegranate Crème Brulee for dessert <3
Cannot wait until next months menu !
All in all, a rather successful Saturday !

Anyways, while we are on the subject of being a woman, This is my kitchen ! haha :D I really enjoy living in town ! although it has its down sides too. Like the convenient pizza place next door and then the 24hr McDonalds next to that. I vowel everytime I give into temptation, I will take the stairs instead of the elevator. It never happened lol.

Anyways, Getting ready for dessert with Pris ! I decided to take photos of rooms in the home. I skipped my bedroom due to mess >_<

BUT THIS IS MY BATHROOM CABINET. My current, yet ongoing obsessions are Sebastian and TonyMoly products <3
Sebastian is too expensive for my lack of money right now :C thankfully, my sister is the Accounts Manager at Proctor and gamble, for Wella and Sebastian Products, so I get it for free :D I recommend this product. And it smells so good <3
Tonymoly, skin products ! I believe they work really well for my skin type ! It's hard to recommend skin products for others as everyones skin reacts differently to face products, otherwise I would say 100% get on this !! :D
that pretty much concludes my bathroom cabinet anyway ! Minus Rusk products and Redken , which I don't use as much since the Sebastian addiction. And the dry shampoo comes in handy every so often ^^
OK my saturday was pretty relaxing ! except being woken up by work calling, I decided to decline working because the past few shifts have taken alot out of me, I was really looking forward to the day off today !
I celebrated by lounging around with the bf , then had dinner and spoke to the house mates.

I decided on a healthy dinner because I was going out for dessert later on. Sesame flavoured rice crackers with Chilli and Mayo, Tuna & lettuce. then mixed veggies on the side.

we ordered some Curry Puffs & Roti Paratha for starters ~
We would usually go with a home-made lemon ice tea for the beverage, but I thought I would try something different.

Chai and Hot Chocolate, Amazing <3 ! new favorite.

Pear & Quince Vanilla Cake & Honey & Pomegranate Crème Brulee for dessert <3
Cannot wait until next months menu !
All in all, a rather successful Saturday !
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