Work started off pretty decent ! I had my doubts, but as I started, to my surprise, a fruit platter was sitting on the counter for us to eat :D and then some cute cupcakes!
Sadly, their is a rule against having phones on you during shift, so I couldn't get pictures.
One of the cafe managers were slightyly iffy about some pizza dough, so she cooked up a pizza to test it, so we had free pizza too !
Then, it got pretty busy.. I made myself a latte, then somebody cancelled their order for chicken nuggets and chips, so we ate them too !
I stayed back an extra 2 hours, time flew by ~
I felt like a fatty, ha !
So I took the stairs to my apartment tonight. 8th floor, it killed my legs. Hopefully with more practice, I can manage running the whole way :D
So I decided now was a good time to do my washing !

Took the stairs again. They are quite eerie , and smell of urine at some points.. until you get to floor 1 (second pic) and it becomes nice again.
Forgot washing powder =_= had to go fetch it, and start again.
The lifts break down often.. I can't imaging lugging my washing up 8 flights of stairs. Hopefully I never witness that.

View from first floor, laundry etc.
All in all, a pretty lame experience. $4 doesn't wash very well, and my clothes were still wet, but I had no more $1 coins on me so I settled with my damp clothes.
Relax mode, opened a beer, finished off some curry. I am enjoying my Sunday <3
On another note ! I plugged my webcam in for the first time in a few months. Looking at some of the pictures I think.. DID BRACES REALLY MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE? I looked so young O= ! I don't see that youthful face when I look into the mirror anymore >_<"

and, 3kg of oranges will go off if I don't eat them soon. I'm tempted to make a dessert with them. but what to do..?
Pointless post, Finito !
yay for extra work hours :) cash flowwwww