Ahhh !
starting a new blog. As i usually say, Íll update regularly!'
i hope too though !
mmmm :\ so far, this year has sucked really.
I liked last year, it was like , i didnt have a care in the world.
something goes wrong id just go, well, thats ok :D it will sort out !
I swear from January the 1st, its just been down hill. Seriously too much crap to mention :|
I hope to get back on my feet soon !
Im usually such a positive person but recently i feel like every little thing
has made me pisssssed !
Maybe its to do with, finished school. soooo lost on my future and it scares me.
Woolworths workers are being absolute asses :\\ and sick of it.
And the move, the family stuff, the stresses of living a kajillion miles from where i wish to be. If i want a future, this makes it that tad harder . I would say its my fualt for not even considering to get my licence, but the move was very sudden and no discussion was involved.
I was always so good with my money! but tbh, i never really had much to pay off!
i dont really atm, but phone breaking then mysteriously high bill, accidently not paying $4 of my old bill then getting charged late fee's , oops. owing people unexpectedly all adds up.
i spent my small amount of savings... on internet,, that didnt even work -___-;;
OK enough rant. it will get better. i guess i have put too much pressure on myself to succeed and everytime i fail i just go FFS BEC YOU STUPID HOE FACE STOP LETTING YOURSELF DOWN!!
I got a puppy today :) Miffy <3

i only got one picture.. because Miffy wont stay still.
And my dog Tara hates Evie with a passion today, everytime Evie goes near... Tara attacks!
i hope this wont happen much longer :\\ poor evie's spending most of the night hiding under the table.
hhhrrrrm, i want to get a gym membership, just tone up & be fit because im soooo unfit D:
I wonder if there are any decent gyms sort of near me.
After i pay all my phone crap, ill look into that :D
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