I was such a little emo kid like, 5 years ago >_< but like, id dress in black and keep to myself i wouldnt be all LIFE SUCKS I WANT TO DIE. but i thought that way |:
Then it makes me think about choices of music, and how its changed dramatically since then! I used to listen to Korn, Mudvayne, Static X all that. now its happy pop music and stuff XD I dont have photos from back then but i have 3 or 4 years ago ones D;
And i was so pale and always wore black , and nothing else :|
But i never thought i was.. wierd.. or abnormal. but now i look and think WHAT THE FUUUUDGESTICKLES WAS I THINKING ??!! haha.
i took a picture today of what i look like atm, just on web cam :\
not sure what i was doing >_< but..

my non tanned long as toes, sexaaay (Y)
Idunno , i enjoy reminiscing on the memories old photos show. Im happy with the way i am now :D but chances are, 4 years to come ill be like OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING 4 YEARS AGO?? haha |: hope not.
OK pretty pointless post.
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