Sunday, June 6, 2010

Acute Costochondritis. About F*****G Time.

So like I say often, Long time no blog :D
I always get so lazy on blogging. I either have too much to write, or too little to write.
At the moment I have too much to write. I just decided now I will write a new update ^^ But the thing on my mind was work because I just called them, and work reminds me of my rib so I thought id write some boring post about the OUTCOME of my stupid ongoing rib shit. Im over talking about it though Dx because its so stupid and pointless, like, Who would have thought one small rib injury would cause so much stress =__= anyway final update to have anything to do with THAT injury. After a kajillion (over exaggeration obv) of doctor visits and doctors, and outcomes, we finally hit the nail on the head (maybe). I never believe any of it anymore, The amount of doctors who were like NAH YOU WILL BE FINE IN A FEW DAYS DON'T WORRY, and like ... "duurrrhuuurr uurrrhh its your uuuhhmm scoliosis you had a growth spurt uuuuhh uhhhh rib is fine bleerrgh" OK so i have always had Scoliosis and that hunch back thing but why a problem now? stfu .__.
The most annoying part of this WHOLE SHENANIGAN was
MY JOB !!!!
OK so I was told and know, the only person who knows what im capable of doing is me. True, right? yeah. well. My silly work have other plans. Like when it first happened i felt i should have been resting the WHOLE TIME sounds so lazy but pushing a trolley, walking up stairs, carrying heavy bags.. Was too painful, Id go home in excruciating pain S= Didn't understand why. But one of my manager people (who will remain nameless) decides NO Bec WILL be pushing that trolley full of stock because she's TOO SLOW carrying the items a couple at a time! the words "well she will just have to get over it" came out of her mouth, also. Anyway I snapped one day, because it was crazy painful.. and im like nope.. not doing this.. fuck it... and had a big rant (cry) to her and said im not capable of this and im so close to quitting because im so stressed bla bla winge winge but I thought it would get through but she was all HOW DO YOU THINK YOU WILL GET BETTER IF YOU REST, YOU NEED TO WORK THROUGH PAIN BLA BLA. I was thinking "D: .... shit. that was pointless!" and some negotiation was made, and i was put in smokeshop =__= under the same rules no bending no reaching no lifting etc etc (all of smokeshop is bending because all the smokes are low duurrhurr) anyway.. The amount of SHIT i got "Don't just stand there actually do something!" well.. i would but.. doctor says not to S= anyway, disobeying doctors orders and stocked smokeshop most of the time, left with excruciating pain again S= why why..

ANYWAY. ages of this.. I get sent to a specialist at RAH because I was getting worse, nothing was helping, Physio was worried I needed surgery. Specialist lets me know i have Acute Costochondritis. I was all oh ok S= and he said my work was stupid because its the kind of thing where you do NOTHING that will cause you to tense and feel pain. So he sent me home with a 6 week (told people it was two months |:..oops, i thought thats what he said, unless my next app is in 6 weeks and it is 2 months idk S=) sick certificate ! To finally maybe get better. Un named manager and 2 certain bitchy supervisors better feel a tad guilty for being such assholes.. i was so close to just being like FUCK YOU ALL ID RATHER BE POOR THAN PUT UP WITH THIS PAIN AND YOUR BITCHING but yeah no. Im never this angsty ! but they really did stress me out to the extent I would come home close to tears =____= ;; They act like im after some "special attention" because of my rib, like im prancing it around to get my own way.. which makes me feel so little .__. ; esp since it happened at work anyway, They are fully aware of the pain I was in the day it happened.

Anyway, because there were so many different rib injuries (back injuries..even sprained arm?LOL) thrown at me.. I looked up this Acute Costochondritis.. to see if it actually makes sence to me.. im thinking it does.

Signs & Symptoms
Initially the symptoms may feel like those of a heart attack: pain moving from side to side of the chest and to the arms and neck. Some sufferers find it more difficult to breathe, but there is usually no reason for alarm when the cause of these symptoms is costochondritis.

During the acute phase, pain is usually worse and it hurts to breathe, wear a bra or move suddenly. Eventually the pain subsides to a dull, constant ache or tenderness in the ribs. The symptoms often disappear within two months but may take up to a year or even become a chronic condition. When chronic, the pain seems to come and go with sudden movements or lifting heavy objects.

Stress may contribute to the pain because it makes the muscles tense. Other things that hurt are lifting, pushing, pulling, sneezing, coughing, long hours of driving or using the computer, repetitive motions and caffeine. Cold, rainy and humid weather also make some sufferers feel worse. Even sinusitis, with the associated nose blowing can be the initial event that results in this chronic chest pain.

The specialist said when i come back if im not feeling better, they will do surgery.. something about taking out something and letting a new muscle form idk.
Basically the outcome is, Take these meds and be a potato :D
I can't complain.

UGH this blog is too long and too srs !
I will update more frequently so im not only throwing this kind of boring news @ everyone.



  1. just watch what you write about work love...

  2. That's why i didn't use names. and its not like im bs'íng. so its fineeee...?
