I had a meeting at 9 with a teacher then a flow coordinator..
who seems more like a counselor o: she gave off a, counselor vibe.
which wasn't.. what i expected. I felt all i did the whole morning was so pointless,
and my Contract that was written out , Sounded so childish.
Interviews, and.. for some reason... i have to write about how important work is to the community. Its like.. WHAT IS THIS.. PRIMARY? i guess i should be happy for easy work |:
but anyway after that i quickly grabbed coffee with my friend Terence coz i got out of my meeting at 10:30 and had to be on a bus at 11 to get to the city by 1 for meeting with Pris! Michael met me on the bus because he was off to uni :)
Met up with Pris, NANDOS.. RUN OUT OF CHICKEN? i don't quite understand why they didn't reason with us but yeah \:
So we got 1 quarter of a chicken because thats all the could give us. I got subway which was SO PACKED ! the whole place was pretty packed ,damn lunch rush hour o:
After this we went to look through some shops then to the cinemas.
THE STAIRS WERE SO GOOD O__O and the bathroom surprised me !!

Me and Pris ^-^ she had such a nice dress on o:
The seats were even comfy :)
I didnt get any pictures of the stairs , though.
Alice in wonderland was a good movie !! it was quite funny actually >.<
The mad Hatter and the hare XD ! my favourites.
I very much hope i dont look like Anne Hathaway |: really.!
Anyway bus ride home my tummy was growling and angry at me for some reason .
I didnt think much of it but i had to go to the toilet as soon as i got into the train st and knew i was sick D:
Got off the train at 5:50 and waited for Alex and Michael. We went to Fresh choice for dinner ^^ and met Ashley there. It was fun but i was feeling really ill O:
I decided.. the tuna must not have been fresh, esp with the heat atm and being so close to the door and the rush hour.. maybe a bit risky !

Caught in mid conversation. I should have taken more photos !!

Ashley ...eats with lemons in her mouth. umm yeah .__.
We had some random as conversations though and we were acting like little kids really xD
Ashley " i got soysauce in my watermelon ! "
Me " .... Thats what she said.. >_>"
and like ..
Ashley *singing some twilight parody about vagina*
Me not aware what shes singing "What does it taste like ??"
Yeah. thats all i can remember. we are so mature ._____."" !
Was heaps fun but i had to get Alex to pull over coz i felt like throwing up O:
*stays away from tuna for a while*
Thats all for now !
damn that awful tuna at subway and stupid nandos for running out of 1/4 chickens.. i cant understand why they couldnt just cut 1/4 off a full chicken =_=