I guess i better recap on whats been going on.
Did i write how im back from annual leave and at work again?
prob not, well im back ! 3 shifts in and i pop my rib. or... dislocate of fracture or w/e. Doctor didnt give me alot of information and i should get a call later today to go in to discuss my xray. tried to get a photo of it but its abit dodjy \\:

coulda just cut out everything so it was just the rib buut, couldnt be bothered.
haha, love heart birth mark on my other rib X]
Standing up view.
So i cant go to work for a while, i cant really breathe properly \\\:
Anyways! Saturday was quite a good night, my childhood friend came down from melb for 2 days and we had dinner :) It was so good to catch up with her and my 2 old Underdale friends :DD !
I got a tad sad because i was unhappy when Angelica (the childhod friend) decided to leave to live with her bf, and then having her back for a day was so much fun i hated that she left again :C

Olivia and Angelica, then Angelica and Sladjana <3
We drank lots of wine and ate lots of pasta :DD
Ohter than those two things, thats all that has been going on in the past 10 days :)
Except aparently the dresses i ordered 2 months ago will be arriving today *waits patiently* no need for them now that its Autumn. Watching stacks of the OC and drinking stacks of Dr. Pepper <3
Ill leave this here with a picture of miffy attacking me X]

omg at ur rib, and omg i wana see the fotos of ur dresses. i hope you get better soon bec ox the damn people at work r so inconsiderate