Monday, March 29, 2010


I always get caught up in other peoples problems.
Either im nosey, or they are just to open about things.
Sometimes i think, ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS?
some people who think life is over , due to something so small.
or, not so small but "My mum banned me from seing my bf" anything like that, Yeah is a bummer but people go to extremes and say that they have the worst lives ever, over such things.
Pisses me off especially, when people compare lives to other people. For example "your life is a bed of roses compared to mine" Maybe some just arent, yelling out the fualt in their lives to the world, because not everybody needs to hear it, and some of it is just unessesary.
Not against the people who vent to a close friend and stuff, Im over some of the things i read on facebook sometimes and think WOW SHE CANT BE SERIOUS.
One i found amusing is life being over, due to not getting what they wanted for xmas (expensive phone).
I always just say, There are people starving , people with no home and no family. They dont get christmas >_< quit your bitching.
I dont know why this subject angers me so much.
I just think some people are selfish like this.
End Rant.


  1. omg i jst like read all your blog posts from where i last left off LOL
    and daaamn that rib looks bad >_< i hope you're getting better!! <3 <3 <3
