Ah ! I have been too busy, and I missed a day or 2 of posting! D:
OK so, number 3. My views on Drugs and Alcohol.
So not keen on drugs. I won't dislike people who do them, but I refuse to be a part of it. I think it's a foolish habbit to take up. but that is just my views. It doesn't affect me because I don't do them, so it's ok.
Drinking ! I don't agree with people going out gettin'SLIZZARRRRDDD every few nights, or every weekend. Occasionally I have a couple of beers, and occasionally I may over do it to the point that im drunk, but not a big mess on the ground. I know how much I can consume until it's way too much. I think that is ok.
Religion? not for me. Bible bashers annoy the **** out of me ! I think it's fine being religious , any religion , just not force beliefs on other people. That bothers me.
That is about it !
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Firstly! I would like to successfully have legs this nice XD
I don't like making future goals. To be honest, I will want to follow a certain path now, but I know myself and soon enough my ideas will change.
I want to be successful , have a well paying job, live in a very large house. A girl can dream. It takes knowledge and University to help this come true, I lack in both atm >.< !
I would like to have past knowledge on places I have visited! and also, still be visiting places 10 years from now ~
I would liked to have visited Paris, Japan & Korea by then.
That is about it D:
Right now, My future looks very bleak ><
Best change that asap.
Monday, December 27, 2010
01 - Your current relationship.

Just over 3 months of being under this 'label' has flown by ! Yet, I can't believe how much has happened in the past 3 months that we have overcome as well. Every obstacle we overcome, we learn from mistakes and become stronger as a couple.
I feel so cheesy writing about relationships ~__~
I have to say, I am very content with now.

Back to blogging !
30 Days
Let's see if I can stick to these ! I can never think of things to blog about, so.. Hopefully this will make me stick to it !
01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
04 - Your views on religion.
05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.
06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
09 - How you hope your future will be like.
10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.
11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
12 - Bullet your whole day.
13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
14 - Your earliest memory.
15 - Your favorite tumblrs blogs.
16 - Your views on mainstream music.
17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
18 - Your beliefs.
19 - Disrespecting your parents.
20 - How important you think education is.
21 - One of your favorite shows.
22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
26 - What kind of person attracts you.
27 - A problem that you have had.
28 - Something that you miss.
29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
30 - Your highs and lows of this month.
Let's see if I can stick to these ! I can never think of things to blog about, so.. Hopefully this will make me stick to it !
01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
04 - Your views on religion.
05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.
06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
09 - How you hope your future will be like.
10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.
11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
12 - Bullet your whole day.
13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
14 - Your earliest memory.
15 - Your favorite tumblrs blogs.
16 - Your views on mainstream music.
17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
18 - Your beliefs.
19 - Disrespecting your parents.
20 - How important you think education is.
21 - One of your favorite shows.
22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
26 - What kind of person attracts you.
27 - A problem that you have had.
28 - Something that you miss.
29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
30 - Your highs and lows of this month.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hospital Goals & Other rambling.
OKKKKOKOK so Im off to surgery on wednesday : D I hope for curry ! Actually? Im scared as hell. Because I don't know what to expect / never had surgery... And I don't want to miss my parents, I always bug my parents when im in pain =__= too dependant.
Anyway, I keep positive and im going to set Hospital Goals !! haha, Just for fun : D keep my mind distracted !
So !
Hospital Goal 1: Score all the food i eat out of 10! write what i like/ dislike about it.
Hospital Goal 2: Write a letter in Korean .____. !
Hospital Goal 3: Listen to Alchemy all the way through ! Including the bad Thai Hip Hop!
Hospital Goal 4: If they have foxtel, force self to watch Futurama ! I don't know why, I hate it, but maybe ill become immune to it, so when i go to my friend Michael's house, I can sit there without falling asleep.
Now for ramble. Ahh ! I love beer, So much. It's great but.... It seems whenever I go out with this certain guy 'friend' I seem to always get into trouble =__= I think it's because things have been confusing between both of us, since the day we met.. So we had a fight.. and i was seeing him saturday night that just passed, I thought things would be fine, because we would just, idk.. not talk. But he pulled me away and we spoke alot, and he gave me a present, and said some nice things, and i got sad, and THEN I LOST THE PRESENT ?!!! ahhh; that's just the half of it, somehow we ended up angry at each other again i think =___= then I fell down some stairs. Smart move with a bung rib lol.
ANYWAY a day to remember, that band, is on Yo Gaba Gaba right now |:
and now a girl who looks like my friend kathy, is feeding cartoon animals.
That is all.
Anyway, I keep positive and im going to set Hospital Goals !! haha, Just for fun : D keep my mind distracted !
So !
Hospital Goal 1: Score all the food i eat out of 10! write what i like/ dislike about it.
Hospital Goal 2: Write a letter in Korean .____. !
Hospital Goal 3: Listen to Alchemy all the way through ! Including the bad Thai Hip Hop!
Hospital Goal 4: If they have foxtel, force self to watch Futurama ! I don't know why, I hate it, but maybe ill become immune to it, so when i go to my friend Michael's house, I can sit there without falling asleep.
Now for ramble. Ahh ! I love beer, So much. It's great but.... It seems whenever I go out with this certain guy 'friend' I seem to always get into trouble =__= I think it's because things have been confusing between both of us, since the day we met.. So we had a fight.. and i was seeing him saturday night that just passed, I thought things would be fine, because we would just, idk.. not talk. But he pulled me away and we spoke alot, and he gave me a present, and said some nice things, and i got sad, and THEN I LOST THE PRESENT ?!!! ahhh; that's just the half of it, somehow we ended up angry at each other again i think =___= then I fell down some stairs. Smart move with a bung rib lol.
ANYWAY a day to remember, that band, is on Yo Gaba Gaba right now |:
and now a girl who looks like my friend kathy, is feeding cartoon animals.
That is all.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
reminisce on old Stick Bec. *sigh loudly.
Ahh ! so one thing i don't do often is look at old photos of myself, But i was browsing the computer , and I noticed one drastic change, THE AMOUNT OF WEIGHT I HAVE PUT ON THIS YEAR ! so now i will post some things i want back >< !

That was only last year O_O stick(ish) arms. I now have that whole, chicken wind thingo goin' on. Not attractive .___.

Again, Last year O= LEGS DIDN'T TOUCH. goddayyyym ;__; !
and to think, they used to be even skinnier when i was 16 =_=

Terrible photo , But I want these legs now please !
ok. enough pointless wishing !

That was only last year O_O stick(ish) arms. I now have that whole, chicken wind thingo goin' on. Not attractive .___.

Again, Last year O= LEGS DIDN'T TOUCH. goddayyyym ;__; !
and to think, they used to be even skinnier when i was 16 =_=
Terrible photo , But I want these legs now please !
ok. enough pointless wishing !
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Acute Costochondritis. About F*****G Time.
So like I say often, Long time no blog :D
I always get so lazy on blogging. I either have too much to write, or too little to write.
At the moment I have too much to write. I just decided now I will write a new update ^^ But the thing on my mind was work because I just called them, and work reminds me of my rib so I thought id write some boring post about the OUTCOME of my stupid ongoing rib shit. Im over talking about it though Dx because its so stupid and pointless, like, Who would have thought one small rib injury would cause so much stress =__= anyway final update to have anything to do with THAT injury. After a kajillion (over exaggeration obv) of doctor visits and doctors, and outcomes, we finally hit the nail on the head (maybe). I never believe any of it anymore, The amount of doctors who were like NAH YOU WILL BE FINE IN A FEW DAYS DON'T WORRY, and like ... "duurrrhuuurr uurrrhh its your uuuhhmm scoliosis you had a growth spurt uuuuhh uhhhh rib is fine bleerrgh" OK so i have always had Scoliosis and that hunch back thing but why a problem now? stfu .__.
The most annoying part of this WHOLE SHENANIGAN was
MY JOB !!!!
OK so I was told and know, the only person who knows what im capable of doing is me. True, right? yeah. well. My silly work have other plans. Like when it first happened i felt i should have been resting the WHOLE TIME sounds so lazy but pushing a trolley, walking up stairs, carrying heavy bags.. Was too painful, Id go home in excruciating pain S= Didn't understand why. But one of my manager people (who will remain nameless) decides NO Bec WILL be pushing that trolley full of stock because she's TOO SLOW carrying the items a couple at a time! the words "well she will just have to get over it" came out of her mouth, also. Anyway I snapped one day, because it was crazy painful.. and im like nope.. not doing this.. fuck it... and had a big rant (cry) to her and said im not capable of this and im so close to quitting because im so stressed bla bla winge winge but I thought it would get through but she was all HOW DO YOU THINK YOU WILL GET BETTER IF YOU REST, YOU NEED TO WORK THROUGH PAIN BLA BLA. I was thinking "D: .... shit. that was pointless!" and some negotiation was made, and i was put in smokeshop =__= under the same rules no bending no reaching no lifting etc etc (all of smokeshop is bending because all the smokes are low duurrhurr) anyway.. The amount of SHIT i got "Don't just stand there actually do something!" well.. i would but.. doctor says not to S= anyway, disobeying doctors orders and stocked smokeshop most of the time, left with excruciating pain again S= why why..
ANYWAY. ages of this.. I get sent to a specialist at RAH because I was getting worse, nothing was helping, Physio was worried I needed surgery. Specialist lets me know i have Acute Costochondritis. I was all oh ok S= and he said my work was stupid because its the kind of thing where you do NOTHING that will cause you to tense and feel pain. So he sent me home with a 6 week (told people it was two months |:..oops, i thought thats what he said, unless my next app is in 6 weeks and it is 2 months idk S=) sick certificate ! To finally maybe get better. Un named manager and 2 certain bitchy supervisors better feel a tad guilty for being such assholes.. i was so close to just being like FUCK YOU ALL ID RATHER BE POOR THAN PUT UP WITH THIS PAIN AND YOUR BITCHING but yeah no. Im never this angsty ! but they really did stress me out to the extent I would come home close to tears =____= ;; They act like im after some "special attention" because of my rib, like im prancing it around to get my own way.. which makes me feel so little .__. ; esp since it happened at work anyway, They are fully aware of the pain I was in the day it happened.
Anyway, because there were so many different rib injuries (back injuries..even sprained arm?LOL) thrown at me.. I looked up this Acute Costochondritis.. to see if it actually makes sence to me.. im thinking it does.
Signs & Symptoms
Initially the symptoms may feel like those of a heart attack: pain moving from side to side of the chest and to the arms and neck. Some sufferers find it more difficult to breathe, but there is usually no reason for alarm when the cause of these symptoms is costochondritis.
During the acute phase, pain is usually worse and it hurts to breathe, wear a bra or move suddenly. Eventually the pain subsides to a dull, constant ache or tenderness in the ribs. The symptoms often disappear within two months but may take up to a year or even become a chronic condition. When chronic, the pain seems to come and go with sudden movements or lifting heavy objects.
Stress may contribute to the pain because it makes the muscles tense. Other things that hurt are lifting, pushing, pulling, sneezing, coughing, long hours of driving or using the computer, repetitive motions and caffeine. Cold, rainy and humid weather also make some sufferers feel worse. Even sinusitis, with the associated nose blowing can be the initial event that results in this chronic chest pain.
The specialist said when i come back if im not feeling better, they will do surgery.. something about taking out something and letting a new muscle form idk.
Basically the outcome is, Take these meds and be a potato :D
I can't complain.
UGH this blog is too long and too srs !
I will update more frequently so im not only throwing this kind of boring news @ everyone.
I always get so lazy on blogging. I either have too much to write, or too little to write.
At the moment I have too much to write. I just decided now I will write a new update ^^ But the thing on my mind was work because I just called them, and work reminds me of my rib so I thought id write some boring post about the OUTCOME of my stupid ongoing rib shit. Im over talking about it though Dx because its so stupid and pointless, like, Who would have thought one small rib injury would cause so much stress =__= anyway final update to have anything to do with THAT injury. After a kajillion (over exaggeration obv) of doctor visits and doctors, and outcomes, we finally hit the nail on the head (maybe). I never believe any of it anymore, The amount of doctors who were like NAH YOU WILL BE FINE IN A FEW DAYS DON'T WORRY, and like ... "duurrrhuuurr uurrrhh its your uuuhhmm scoliosis you had a growth spurt uuuuhh uhhhh rib is fine bleerrgh" OK so i have always had Scoliosis and that hunch back thing but why a problem now? stfu .__.
The most annoying part of this WHOLE SHENANIGAN was
MY JOB !!!!
OK so I was told and know, the only person who knows what im capable of doing is me. True, right? yeah. well. My silly work have other plans. Like when it first happened i felt i should have been resting the WHOLE TIME sounds so lazy but pushing a trolley, walking up stairs, carrying heavy bags.. Was too painful, Id go home in excruciating pain S= Didn't understand why. But one of my manager people (who will remain nameless) decides NO Bec WILL be pushing that trolley full of stock because she's TOO SLOW carrying the items a couple at a time! the words "well she will just have to get over it" came out of her mouth, also. Anyway I snapped one day, because it was crazy painful.. and im like nope.. not doing this.. fuck it... and had a big rant (cry) to her and said im not capable of this and im so close to quitting because im so stressed bla bla winge winge but I thought it would get through but she was all HOW DO YOU THINK YOU WILL GET BETTER IF YOU REST, YOU NEED TO WORK THROUGH PAIN BLA BLA. I was thinking "D: .... shit. that was pointless!" and some negotiation was made, and i was put in smokeshop =__= under the same rules no bending no reaching no lifting etc etc (all of smokeshop is bending because all the smokes are low duurrhurr) anyway.. The amount of SHIT i got "Don't just stand there actually do something!" well.. i would but.. doctor says not to S= anyway, disobeying doctors orders and stocked smokeshop most of the time, left with excruciating pain again S= why why..
ANYWAY. ages of this.. I get sent to a specialist at RAH because I was getting worse, nothing was helping, Physio was worried I needed surgery. Specialist lets me know i have Acute Costochondritis. I was all oh ok S= and he said my work was stupid because its the kind of thing where you do NOTHING that will cause you to tense and feel pain. So he sent me home with a 6 week (told people it was two months |:..oops, i thought thats what he said, unless my next app is in 6 weeks and it is 2 months idk S=) sick certificate ! To finally maybe get better. Un named manager and 2 certain bitchy supervisors better feel a tad guilty for being such assholes.. i was so close to just being like FUCK YOU ALL ID RATHER BE POOR THAN PUT UP WITH THIS PAIN AND YOUR BITCHING but yeah no. Im never this angsty ! but they really did stress me out to the extent I would come home close to tears =____= ;; They act like im after some "special attention" because of my rib, like im prancing it around to get my own way.. which makes me feel so little .__. ; esp since it happened at work anyway, They are fully aware of the pain I was in the day it happened.
Anyway, because there were so many different rib injuries (back injuries..even sprained arm?LOL) thrown at me.. I looked up this Acute Costochondritis.. to see if it actually makes sence to me.. im thinking it does.
Signs & Symptoms
Initially the symptoms may feel like those of a heart attack: pain moving from side to side of the chest and to the arms and neck. Some sufferers find it more difficult to breathe, but there is usually no reason for alarm when the cause of these symptoms is costochondritis.
During the acute phase, pain is usually worse and it hurts to breathe, wear a bra or move suddenly. Eventually the pain subsides to a dull, constant ache or tenderness in the ribs. The symptoms often disappear within two months but may take up to a year or even become a chronic condition. When chronic, the pain seems to come and go with sudden movements or lifting heavy objects.
Stress may contribute to the pain because it makes the muscles tense. Other things that hurt are lifting, pushing, pulling, sneezing, coughing, long hours of driving or using the computer, repetitive motions and caffeine. Cold, rainy and humid weather also make some sufferers feel worse. Even sinusitis, with the associated nose blowing can be the initial event that results in this chronic chest pain.
The specialist said when i come back if im not feeling better, they will do surgery.. something about taking out something and letting a new muscle form idk.
Basically the outcome is, Take these meds and be a potato :D
I can't complain.
UGH this blog is too long and too srs !
I will update more frequently so im not only throwing this kind of boring news @ everyone.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Loving the singer Outsider at the moment.

Long time no blog! I don't really like to blog about myself unless something exciting happens, but not alot of excitement or things worth blogging about, so ill blog about something that has interested me recently.
Outsider. a Korean rapper. I dont know why, i dont know korean well enough but his lyrics give me chills D: He is known for his fast rapping, so when u listen to it, being english it just sounds like iduhiufhduifuibguiifuighbf alot of the time, but it all blends in nicely , and once you read the english translation, its like, ahh <3 your amazing Outsider. (his lyrics are quite emotional and negative but, it still amazes me)
Instead of me rambling ill just post a video, and then the lyrics underneath.
His newest single, Acquaintance.
Passion of life, such thing as hope, it doesn't exist
I'm breathing simply out of life
My body feels ok, it's nothing special
And yet I feel like I'm drowning
World suffocates me endlessly
My heart closed only halfway
I put a lock on that door
Locks rusted away from an ethereal loneliness
I turn my key out (key out)
Alienation from answers, held on my shackles
It suffocates me (it suffocates me)
Picking up the phone that never rings
I wait for your call all night (all night)
I need your interest, I need your conversation
I need your hand, I need even small love
Please light the fuse that's fading away...
I can't blend in here, there, anywhere
I can't belong to you, her, anyone else
I walk down restlessly around you (around you) (x2)
Will the moon understand my loneliness?
Wonder if the stars understand my scars
Buried in affliction, I sing this song
Graved in loneliness, I call out your name (x2)
I walk down restlessly around you (around you)
I walk around because I fear of change
Broken from the love of chains, I sing to find the one
Following the wind and the cloud, I wander the world
Where did you go, leaving me here, I do not know
You left me over there to the place no one knows
I wanna leave this behind
Thirst for love, I'm always in hunger
I even miss the tip of your fingers
Undermined our interest, love seems like a luxury
Sometimes the thing that always follows me
When my shadow is covered by the moon, I draw you in my heart
I recite on myself
Every day, I am fear of life endlessly
Wanna see you, touch you, feel you
I can only say those words, I bite on my pitifulness
I can't blend in here, there, anywhere
I can't belong to you, her, anyone else
I walk down restlessly around you (around you) (x2)
Will the moon understand my loneliness?
Wonder if the stars understand my scars
Buried in affliction, I sing this song
Graved in loneliness, I call out your name (x2)
I can't blend in here, there, anywhere
I can't belong to you, her, anyone else
I walk down restlessly around you (around you) (x2)
Will the moon understand my loneliness?
Wonder if the stars understand my scars
Buried in affliction, I sing this song
Graved in loneliness, I call out your name (x2)
Friday, April 23, 2010
I found some old sites i used to have, and i look back on how i was and shudder. its like, was i that dumb? At age 14 i thought i found the guy i was going to marry xD i was lame - and im FAR from like that now geez, guys dont go near me with a ten foot pole and i dont let them >_< and im pretty sure id never speak like im about to post coz reading it i was like BLEEEEEGH EW AS IF I WAS MOOSHY AND DISGUSTING AND LIKE WHYYYY. anyway, were we together for 6 months when i wrote this? I wrote this on one of my sites about an ex \:
andrew i seriously truely deeply love you we talk about ANYTHING and i have no doubts and i know we will last for a long time. theres so much i can say but i dont have the words.. you are my everything and i would be nothing without you im so lucky to have you its a dream come true i still cant believe it it feels like a dream. you are in my mind 24/7 its good but sux because im not with you all the time... my heart hurts when im not around you i need you you have so much going for you you are so special to me. you are the one that makes me want to get up in the morning ur the one that makes me happy and i love you to death my andrew xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
static x and bananas are a good combination..
I have no idea what i would do without you i feel i cant even spend a day without you. i never want to lose you and ill NEVER forget you your the love of my life n u mean the world to me xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Wierd bec, Just, Wierd.
I think on that and i remember how i felt back then, vaguely. I to this day dont know what love is but im only 18 and people like above, 14 yr old bec.. was all STUFF WHAT EVERYONE THINKS I KNOW IM IN LOVE. how silly kids are.
andrew i seriously truely deeply love you we talk about ANYTHING and i have no doubts and i know we will last for a long time. theres so much i can say but i dont have the words.. you are my everything and i would be nothing without you im so lucky to have you its a dream come true i still cant believe it it feels like a dream. you are in my mind 24/7 its good but sux because im not with you all the time... my heart hurts when im not around you i need you you have so much going for you you are so special to me. you are the one that makes me want to get up in the morning ur the one that makes me happy and i love you to death my andrew xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
static x and bananas are a good combination..
I have no idea what i would do without you i feel i cant even spend a day without you. i never want to lose you and ill NEVER forget you your the love of my life n u mean the world to me xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Wierd bec, Just, Wierd.
I think on that and i remember how i felt back then, vaguely. I to this day dont know what love is but im only 18 and people like above, 14 yr old bec.. was all STUFF WHAT EVERYONE THINKS I KNOW IM IN LOVE. how silly kids are.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wellwellwell, I have had absolutely nothing entertaining to blog about since my rib injury, so enjoy my non interesting new entry.
So what happened this week?
how exciting uuh, miffy went for her first walk?

so exciting, what else.. Ah yeah ! speaking of which, Angelica told me to take heaps of photos of my dog Tara because shes 15, and i should keep the memories there, just incase she passes. So i attempted and Miffy kept photobombing >_< !

That was an exciting uh .. day |:
Anyway, when my real life is as boring as this, I seem to focus more on virtual life n_n
This week is exciting because its the Flower Fest, i dont give a crap about the prize (a trophy) id prob end up trying to sell it to pay off my mortgage anyway, i just thought it would be fun to be better than all my neighbours and have a better looking house ^^
and if their garden gets better, i steal some more flowers heeeeheee. i play fair !

Thats my garden on monday when it started ^^ its now wednesday and its grown, but my flowers keep dying \:
I hate how much these sorts of things absorb my mind, Like.. when i went through my final fantasy phase, i wouldnt sleep O_O and i would just play constantly and eventually sleep then dream i was still playing it and BLEEERGH bad life to lead !
But im excited because, Tom Nooks store grew : D (nobody will find this blog interesting unless they play it, then even prob not)

yayay ~
aaand i have a favourite Neighbour, Pudge.. because he loves food and is always talking about food C=

But at the moment im most happy because, Wart.Jr is an asshole usually, all "what the hell do you want?!!" sort of thing, but today ! he was a changed man *proud*

haha... anyway ... welcome to the exciting life of Bec =__=
i hope you enjoyed wasting 5mins of your time C=< HEEEHEEEHEEEE
So what happened this week?
how exciting uuh, miffy went for her first walk?
so exciting, what else.. Ah yeah ! speaking of which, Angelica told me to take heaps of photos of my dog Tara because shes 15, and i should keep the memories there, just incase she passes. So i attempted and Miffy kept photobombing >_< !

That was an exciting uh .. day |:
Anyway, when my real life is as boring as this, I seem to focus more on virtual life n_n
This week is exciting because its the Flower Fest, i dont give a crap about the prize (a trophy) id prob end up trying to sell it to pay off my mortgage anyway, i just thought it would be fun to be better than all my neighbours and have a better looking house ^^
and if their garden gets better, i steal some more flowers heeeeheee. i play fair !
Thats my garden on monday when it started ^^ its now wednesday and its grown, but my flowers keep dying \:
I hate how much these sorts of things absorb my mind, Like.. when i went through my final fantasy phase, i wouldnt sleep O_O and i would just play constantly and eventually sleep then dream i was still playing it and BLEEERGH bad life to lead !
But im excited because, Tom Nooks store grew : D (nobody will find this blog interesting unless they play it, then even prob not)
yayay ~
aaand i have a favourite Neighbour, Pudge.. because he loves food and is always talking about food C=
But at the moment im most happy because, Wart.Jr is an asshole usually, all "what the hell do you want?!!" sort of thing, but today ! he was a changed man *proud*
haha... anyway ... welcome to the exciting life of Bec =__=
i hope you enjoyed wasting 5mins of your time C=< HEEEHEEEHEEEE
Monday, March 29, 2010
I always get caught up in other peoples problems.
Either im nosey, or they are just to open about things.
Sometimes i think, ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS?
some people who think life is over , due to something so small.
or, not so small but "My mum banned me from seing my bf" anything like that, Yeah is a bummer but people go to extremes and say that they have the worst lives ever, over such things.
Pisses me off especially, when people compare lives to other people. For example "your life is a bed of roses compared to mine" Maybe some just arent, yelling out the fualt in their lives to the world, because not everybody needs to hear it, and some of it is just unessesary.
Not against the people who vent to a close friend and stuff, Im over some of the things i read on facebook sometimes and think WOW SHE CANT BE SERIOUS.
One i found amusing is life being over, due to not getting what they wanted for xmas (expensive phone).
I always just say, There are people starving , people with no home and no family. They dont get christmas >_< quit your bitching.
I dont know why this subject angers me so much.
I just think some people are selfish like this.
End Rant.
Either im nosey, or they are just to open about things.
Sometimes i think, ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS?
some people who think life is over , due to something so small.
or, not so small but "My mum banned me from seing my bf" anything like that, Yeah is a bummer but people go to extremes and say that they have the worst lives ever, over such things.
Pisses me off especially, when people compare lives to other people. For example "your life is a bed of roses compared to mine" Maybe some just arent, yelling out the fualt in their lives to the world, because not everybody needs to hear it, and some of it is just unessesary.
Not against the people who vent to a close friend and stuff, Im over some of the things i read on facebook sometimes and think WOW SHE CANT BE SERIOUS.
One i found amusing is life being over, due to not getting what they wanted for xmas (expensive phone).
I always just say, There are people starving , people with no home and no family. They dont get christmas >_< quit your bitching.
I dont know why this subject angers me so much.
I just think some people are selfish like this.
End Rant.
Sladjana stole my prawn
I guess i have failed at writing in my blog everyday, hey ._.
I guess i better recap on whats been going on.
Did i write how im back from annual leave and at work again?
prob not, well im back ! 3 shifts in and i pop my rib. or... dislocate of fracture or w/e. Doctor didnt give me alot of information and i should get a call later today to go in to discuss my xray. tried to get a photo of it but its abit dodjy \\:

coulda just cut out everything so it was just the rib buut, couldnt be bothered.
haha, love heart birth mark on my other rib X]

Standing up view.
So i cant go to work for a while, i cant really breathe properly \\\:
Anyways! Saturday was quite a good night, my childhood friend came down from melb for 2 days and we had dinner :) It was so good to catch up with her and my 2 old Underdale friends :DD !
I got a tad sad because i was unhappy when Angelica (the childhod friend) decided to leave to live with her bf, and then having her back for a day was so much fun i hated that she left again :C

Olivia and Angelica, then Angelica and Sladjana <3
We drank lots of wine and ate lots of pasta :DD
Ohter than those two things, thats all that has been going on in the past 10 days :)
Except aparently the dresses i ordered 2 months ago will be arriving today *waits patiently* no need for them now that its Autumn. Watching stacks of the OC and drinking stacks of Dr. Pepper <3
Ill leave this here with a picture of miffy attacking me X]

I guess i better recap on whats been going on.
Did i write how im back from annual leave and at work again?
prob not, well im back ! 3 shifts in and i pop my rib. or... dislocate of fracture or w/e. Doctor didnt give me alot of information and i should get a call later today to go in to discuss my xray. tried to get a photo of it but its abit dodjy \\:

coulda just cut out everything so it was just the rib buut, couldnt be bothered.
haha, love heart birth mark on my other rib X]
Standing up view.
So i cant go to work for a while, i cant really breathe properly \\\:
Anyways! Saturday was quite a good night, my childhood friend came down from melb for 2 days and we had dinner :) It was so good to catch up with her and my 2 old Underdale friends :DD !
I got a tad sad because i was unhappy when Angelica (the childhod friend) decided to leave to live with her bf, and then having her back for a day was so much fun i hated that she left again :C

Olivia and Angelica, then Angelica and Sladjana <3
We drank lots of wine and ate lots of pasta :DD
Ohter than those two things, thats all that has been going on in the past 10 days :)
Except aparently the dresses i ordered 2 months ago will be arriving today *waits patiently* no need for them now that its Autumn. Watching stacks of the OC and drinking stacks of Dr. Pepper <3
Ill leave this here with a picture of miffy attacking me X]

Saturday, March 20, 2010
a BIT of a spoiler..
"End scene for Skins 4"
COOK watches FOSTER. Something gleaming in his eye.
COOK: Mr Foster
JOHN FOSTER: Dr Foster actually. Kneel down please...
COOK slowly shakes his head. The BASEBALL BAT snakes out without warning and catches COOK in the Stomach. COOK staggers back...gasping. But then inexplicably he laughs.
COOK: I don’t think you know what I am mate
JOHN FOSTER: I think I do. You’re nothing. You don’t deserve that girl... And, you know...I do.
COOK shakes his head slowly.
COOK: I’m a fucking waste of space... Just a stupid kid... I got no sense....A criminal...I’m no fucking use...I am nothing...so please... please... get it into your...you know...into your bonce....That you killed my friend.... And...(HE SHRUGS) ... I’m Cook. He explodes towards FOSTER without warning fists, feet, everything. Devastating aggression. He screams, whirling past us in a blur.
I like how, a whole awesome season can be shit from one shit ending.
Did cook kill him? he JUST found out his best friends dead and he was pretty calm about it! and yet, ALL of "dead guy" friends think he ran away! so in the end, no recognition for him, and cook *saves the day* but really, did he? WE DONT KNOW BECAUSE IT ENDED AS HE THREW A PUNCH!!
fkng gay. fkng. gay.
Anyway.. on a uh, happy note ^^ !
The election is on !
Go Liberal.
Im capped so, Lame post o: no pictures today. I didnt do much at all, i woke up late then went food shopping, then went on the computer, made dinner, then back here again :) eventful saturday, this is how it should be spent <3
"End scene for Skins 4"
COOK watches FOSTER. Something gleaming in his eye.
COOK: Mr Foster
JOHN FOSTER: Dr Foster actually. Kneel down please...
COOK slowly shakes his head. The BASEBALL BAT snakes out without warning and catches COOK in the Stomach. COOK staggers back...gasping. But then inexplicably he laughs.
COOK: I don’t think you know what I am mate
JOHN FOSTER: I think I do. You’re nothing. You don’t deserve that girl... And, you know...I do.
COOK shakes his head slowly.
COOK: I’m a fucking waste of space... Just a stupid kid... I got no sense....A criminal...I’m no fucking use...I am nothing...so please... please... get it into your...you know...into your bonce....That you killed my friend.... And...(HE SHRUGS) ... I’m Cook. He explodes towards FOSTER without warning fists, feet, everything. Devastating aggression. He screams, whirling past us in a blur.
I like how, a whole awesome season can be shit from one shit ending.
Did cook kill him? he JUST found out his best friends dead and he was pretty calm about it! and yet, ALL of "dead guy" friends think he ran away! so in the end, no recognition for him, and cook *saves the day* but really, did he? WE DONT KNOW BECAUSE IT ENDED AS HE THREW A PUNCH!!
fkng gay. fkng. gay.
Anyway.. on a uh, happy note ^^ !
The election is on !
Go Liberal.
Im capped so, Lame post o: no pictures today. I didnt do much at all, i woke up late then went food shopping, then went on the computer, made dinner, then back here again :) eventful saturday, this is how it should be spent <3
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Alice In Wonderland 3D
Today i had quite a busy day : D
I had a meeting at 9 with a teacher then a flow coordinator..
who seems more like a counselor o: she gave off a, counselor vibe.
which wasn't.. what i expected. I felt all i did the whole morning was so pointless,
and my Contract that was written out , Sounded so childish.
Interviews, and.. for some reason... i have to write about how important work is to the community. Its like.. WHAT IS THIS.. PRIMARY? i guess i should be happy for easy work |:
but anyway after that i quickly grabbed coffee with my friend Terence coz i got out of my meeting at 10:30 and had to be on a bus at 11 to get to the city by 1 for meeting with Pris! Michael met me on the bus because he was off to uni :)
Met up with Pris, NANDOS.. RUN OUT OF CHICKEN? i don't quite understand why they didn't reason with us but yeah \:
So we got 1 quarter of a chicken because thats all the could give us. I got subway which was SO PACKED ! the whole place was pretty packed ,damn lunch rush hour o:
After this we went to look through some shops then to the cinemas.
THE STAIRS WERE SO GOOD O__O and the bathroom surprised me !!

Me and Pris ^-^ she had such a nice dress on o:
The seats were even comfy :)
I didnt get any pictures of the stairs , though.
Alice in wonderland was a good movie !! it was quite funny actually >.<
The mad Hatter and the hare XD ! my favourites.
I very much hope i dont look like Anne Hathaway |: really.!
Anyway bus ride home my tummy was growling and angry at me for some reason .
I didnt think much of it but i had to go to the toilet as soon as i got into the train st and knew i was sick D:
Got off the train at 5:50 and waited for Alex and Michael. We went to Fresh choice for dinner ^^ and met Ashley there. It was fun but i was feeling really ill O:
I decided.. the tuna must not have been fresh, esp with the heat atm and being so close to the door and the rush hour.. maybe a bit risky !

Caught in mid conversation. I should have taken more photos !!

Ashley ...eats with lemons in her mouth. umm yeah .__.
We had some random as conversations though and we were acting like little kids really xD
Ashley " i got soysauce in my watermelon ! "
Me " .... Thats what she said.. >_>"
and like ..
Ashley *singing some twilight parody about vagina*
Me not aware what shes singing "What does it taste like ??"
Yeah. thats all i can remember. we are so mature ._____."" !
Was heaps fun but i had to get Alex to pull over coz i felt like throwing up O:
*stays away from tuna for a while*
Thats all for now !
I had a meeting at 9 with a teacher then a flow coordinator..
who seems more like a counselor o: she gave off a, counselor vibe.
which wasn't.. what i expected. I felt all i did the whole morning was so pointless,
and my Contract that was written out , Sounded so childish.
Interviews, and.. for some reason... i have to write about how important work is to the community. Its like.. WHAT IS THIS.. PRIMARY? i guess i should be happy for easy work |:
but anyway after that i quickly grabbed coffee with my friend Terence coz i got out of my meeting at 10:30 and had to be on a bus at 11 to get to the city by 1 for meeting with Pris! Michael met me on the bus because he was off to uni :)
Met up with Pris, NANDOS.. RUN OUT OF CHICKEN? i don't quite understand why they didn't reason with us but yeah \:
So we got 1 quarter of a chicken because thats all the could give us. I got subway which was SO PACKED ! the whole place was pretty packed ,damn lunch rush hour o:
After this we went to look through some shops then to the cinemas.
THE STAIRS WERE SO GOOD O__O and the bathroom surprised me !!

Me and Pris ^-^ she had such a nice dress on o:
The seats were even comfy :)
I didnt get any pictures of the stairs , though.
Alice in wonderland was a good movie !! it was quite funny actually >.<
The mad Hatter and the hare XD ! my favourites.
I very much hope i dont look like Anne Hathaway |: really.!
Anyway bus ride home my tummy was growling and angry at me for some reason .
I didnt think much of it but i had to go to the toilet as soon as i got into the train st and knew i was sick D:
Got off the train at 5:50 and waited for Alex and Michael. We went to Fresh choice for dinner ^^ and met Ashley there. It was fun but i was feeling really ill O:
I decided.. the tuna must not have been fresh, esp with the heat atm and being so close to the door and the rush hour.. maybe a bit risky !

Caught in mid conversation. I should have taken more photos !!

Ashley ...eats with lemons in her mouth. umm yeah .__.
We had some random as conversations though and we were acting like little kids really xD
Ashley " i got soysauce in my watermelon ! "
Me " .... Thats what she said.. >_>"
and like ..
Ashley *singing some twilight parody about vagina*
Me not aware what shes singing "What does it taste like ??"
Yeah. thats all i can remember. we are so mature ._____."" !
Was heaps fun but i had to get Alex to pull over coz i felt like throwing up O:
*stays away from tuna for a while*
Thats all for now !
Saturday, March 13, 2010
not really, im ok now.
But watching Skins, and season finale airs in the UK on thursday night.
So i saw the second to last episode to day and OMFG !
and the way it happened... horrible...
i was like...
"SHIIIT *name* DONT ENTER ITS A TRAP!CRAP THE DOOR IS LOCKED! HIT HIM OR SOMETHING HE IS GOING TO KILL YOU !!!!" and it was too late .. my favourite character is dead. so brutal :C the way it was done. Totally wrong. AND THE PERSON WHO DID IT!
i cant believe how sad i got over a fictional character. like something died in me.
Goddam *name* for being so amazing !!!
didnt want to spoil it for anyone who actually watches it and doesnt know yet, because im kind :) so i only semi spoiled it.

Today i was meant to clean my room. this is why *Above
Thats only one corner of my room. but its the part that should be kept the most tidy |:
and my bed has clothes scattered all over it for the big clean out of my clothes.
but theirs too much and i dont want to regret throwing out something i will like later T__T.
Its almost 1:30am. btw, resolutions have gone horrible. but i have a week to pick up the pieces. work extra hard to make up for 2 weeks :)
Cannot wait until friday morning, refreshing the page over and over again until skins finale is uploaded... OH.. AFTER MY DENTIST.. WHERE I GET MY TOP BRACES OFF? ):<
he promised this time !
not really, im ok now.
But watching Skins, and season finale airs in the UK on thursday night.
So i saw the second to last episode to day and OMFG !
and the way it happened... horrible...
i was like...
"SHIIIT *name* DONT ENTER ITS A TRAP!CRAP THE DOOR IS LOCKED! HIT HIM OR SOMETHING HE IS GOING TO KILL YOU !!!!" and it was too late .. my favourite character is dead. so brutal :C the way it was done. Totally wrong. AND THE PERSON WHO DID IT!
i cant believe how sad i got over a fictional character. like something died in me.
Goddam *name* for being so amazing !!!
didnt want to spoil it for anyone who actually watches it and doesnt know yet, because im kind :) so i only semi spoiled it.

Today i was meant to clean my room. this is why *Above
Thats only one corner of my room. but its the part that should be kept the most tidy |:
and my bed has clothes scattered all over it for the big clean out of my clothes.
but theirs too much and i dont want to regret throwing out something i will like later T__T.
Its almost 1:30am. btw, resolutions have gone horrible. but i have a week to pick up the pieces. work extra hard to make up for 2 weeks :)
Cannot wait until friday morning, refreshing the page over and over again until skins finale is uploaded... OH.. AFTER MY DENTIST.. WHERE I GET MY TOP BRACES OFF? ):<
he promised this time !
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Its so Ridonkulous !
You know that post i wrote... 5ish posts ago about ordering things online?
that dress... that dress i regret buying.... HAS STILL NOT ARRIVED O_O !!!
I ordered that like... 2nd of feb or something! goddam >:\
Found a new love. I went through a Diet Coke phase, it didn't really last too long. My new phase..

Staying at my friend Michaels tonight. I love eating here, everytime me and michael cook random crap he has in the fridge, it ends up being AMAZING !

He recently got a new puppy, Nigel. adorable ! But he cries at night :( so its hard to sleep.

After dinner, Michael had to do the dishes. I said i would help. This is my "good job with the dishes Michael ! i cant help because, lights shiine awquardly on my nose. yeah. |:
But anyway, it's 1:30am now and my resolutions are NOT GOING TOO WELLLLL!
I'll be better next week.
Skins 4 is pretty amazing so far! i can't wait to watch more O: which i might actually do now :D !
pretty pointless blog post. but im trying to update everyday now. so deal with the boringness xD
that dress... that dress i regret buying.... HAS STILL NOT ARRIVED O_O !!!
I ordered that like... 2nd of feb or something! goddam >:\
Found a new love. I went through a Diet Coke phase, it didn't really last too long. My new phase..
Staying at my friend Michaels tonight. I love eating here, everytime me and michael cook random crap he has in the fridge, it ends up being AMAZING !
He recently got a new puppy, Nigel. adorable ! But he cries at night :( so its hard to sleep.
After dinner, Michael had to do the dishes. I said i would help. This is my "good job with the dishes Michael ! i cant help because, lights shiine awquardly on my nose. yeah. |:
But anyway, it's 1:30am now and my resolutions are NOT GOING TOO WELLLLL!
I'll be better next week.
Skins 4 is pretty amazing so far! i can't wait to watch more O: which i might actually do now :D !
pretty pointless blog post. but im trying to update everyday now. so deal with the boringness xD
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
F**king BS.
Some people, no matter how old they are, just never grow up |=
Surprises me, i look back on school bullying and think, everyone who has graduated now is so mature and bitching is so year 9/10.
But, being away from the bitching scene for so long, it feels wierd when people pick a fight with you, esp when they are... triple your age \:
about FUCKING BULLSHIT reasons!
Rant over.
today was VERY COLD but it was nice !
i kept warm all day and realised how much i missed wearing scarves ! cannot wait until winter now O: !

I would like a nice hair cut. But, hairdressers O: I JUST DONT TRUST YOUUUU!
ignore the noob pic but its the only one that shows my haaair atm.
I dont want a boring straight across fringe but if i try for anything else i cut it so dodjy it ends up uneven \: hmm. hair grows back, maybe i will find a nice hairdresser?
I need to take more pictures of things. I find it wierd how, getting my phone back, how dodjy the focus is on it O= and it STUFFED UP AND FROZE TODAY WHEN SOMEONE CALLED !
why, 3rd iphone and its dodjy :(
Surprises me, i look back on school bullying and think, everyone who has graduated now is so mature and bitching is so year 9/10.
But, being away from the bitching scene for so long, it feels wierd when people pick a fight with you, esp when they are... triple your age \:
about FUCKING BULLSHIT reasons!
Rant over.
today was VERY COLD but it was nice !
i kept warm all day and realised how much i missed wearing scarves ! cannot wait until winter now O: !
I would like a nice hair cut. But, hairdressers O: I JUST DONT TRUST YOUUUU!
ignore the noob pic but its the only one that shows my haaair atm.
I dont want a boring straight across fringe but if i try for anything else i cut it so dodjy it ends up uneven \: hmm. hair grows back, maybe i will find a nice hairdresser?
I need to take more pictures of things. I find it wierd how, getting my phone back, how dodjy the focus is on it O= and it STUFFED UP AND FROZE TODAY WHEN SOMEONE CALLED !
why, 3rd iphone and its dodjy :(
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Annual Leave Resolutions !
So, as you all know. you um... 1 follower |= i dont stick to anything D:
so im going to attempt again XD ! ha !
and this time! i WILL stick to at least 2 ! because i set my standards too high for myself !
~ Eat Healthy, for a whole 2 weeks. no chocolate O___O FFFFFFF'
~ Make a sleeping pattern and STICK TO IT !! none of this, 3 hours before an 8 hour day at work, and uh.. 14 hours on days off. THATS NOT CRICKETTTT !
~ STUDY LIKE A FEIND !!!! FIEND? Feind... \=
~ Dont go out, No spending !! (ill prob go out. but i wont spend D: or if outs out for dinner, only healthy food D: )
~ i didnt get this far... so those 4 are fine ! for now !
so im going to attempt again XD ! ha !
and this time! i WILL stick to at least 2 ! because i set my standards too high for myself !
~ Eat Healthy, for a whole 2 weeks. no chocolate O___O FFFFFFF'
~ Make a sleeping pattern and STICK TO IT !! none of this, 3 hours before an 8 hour day at work, and uh.. 14 hours on days off. THATS NOT CRICKETTTT !
~ STUDY LIKE A FEIND !!!! FIEND? Feind... \=
~ Dont go out, No spending !! (ill prob go out. but i wont spend D: or if outs out for dinner, only healthy food D: )
~ i didnt get this far... so those 4 are fine ! for now !
Monday, March 1, 2010
I have an obsession with decorating everything D:
Although, its so hard to find deco den here !!!
My friend buys all his offline, and when im at his i steal the pieces he doesnt like >_<
But, not decorating much, means im pretty dodgy at it. but the amount of money people sell pre decorated phone cases etc, is crazy! so i think you would make quite a bit of money if you make phone cases and sell them online and stuff XD

That's the phone case my friends bought for me from Melbourne <3 <3, but it was $88 O________O !!
i wish i had the skills to be that pro !!

theres my, not so pro job on my camera.
But yes, this is my obsession. Hopefully in a kajillion blogs from now, ill post up a blog full of AMAZING WONDERFUL CREATIONS I HAVE MADE =DDD
Although, its so hard to find deco den here !!!
My friend buys all his offline, and when im at his i steal the pieces he doesnt like >_<
But, not decorating much, means im pretty dodgy at it. but the amount of money people sell pre decorated phone cases etc, is crazy! so i think you would make quite a bit of money if you make phone cases and sell them online and stuff XD
That's the phone case my friends bought for me from Melbourne <3 <3, but it was $88 O________O !!
i wish i had the skills to be that pro !!
theres my, not so pro job on my camera.
But yes, this is my obsession. Hopefully in a kajillion blogs from now, ill post up a blog full of AMAZING WONDERFUL CREATIONS I HAVE MADE =DDD
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Pictures/ Memories ~
Finding an old picture, i decided to go through all my folders :) and it brings back so many memories!!
I was such a little emo kid like, 5 years ago >_< but like, id dress in black and keep to myself i wouldnt be all LIFE SUCKS I WANT TO DIE. but i thought that way |:
Then it makes me think about choices of music, and how its changed dramatically since then! I used to listen to Korn, Mudvayne, Static X all that. now its happy pop music and stuff XD I dont have photos from back then but i have 3 or 4 years ago ones D;

And i was so pale and always wore black , and nothing else :|

But i never thought i was.. wierd.. or abnormal. but now i look and think WHAT THE FUUUUDGESTICKLES WAS I THINKING ??!! haha.

i took a picture today of what i look like atm, just on web cam :\

not sure what i was doing >_< but..

my non tanned long as toes, sexaaay (Y)
Idunno , i enjoy reminiscing on the memories old photos show. Im happy with the way i am now :D but chances are, 4 years to come ill be like OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING 4 YEARS AGO?? haha |: hope not.
OK pretty pointless post.
I was such a little emo kid like, 5 years ago >_< but like, id dress in black and keep to myself i wouldnt be all LIFE SUCKS I WANT TO DIE. but i thought that way |:
Then it makes me think about choices of music, and how its changed dramatically since then! I used to listen to Korn, Mudvayne, Static X all that. now its happy pop music and stuff XD I dont have photos from back then but i have 3 or 4 years ago ones D;
And i was so pale and always wore black , and nothing else :|
But i never thought i was.. wierd.. or abnormal. but now i look and think WHAT THE FUUUUDGESTICKLES WAS I THINKING ??!! haha.
i took a picture today of what i look like atm, just on web cam :\
not sure what i was doing >_< but..

my non tanned long as toes, sexaaay (Y)
Idunno , i enjoy reminiscing on the memories old photos show. Im happy with the way i am now :D but chances are, 4 years to come ill be like OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING 4 YEARS AGO?? haha |: hope not.
OK pretty pointless post.
A broken vase will never be the same again despite your efforts of glueing the pieces back together.
What a long title |= but its true.
Another thing thats true? i neglect my blog =\
I always get random thoughts and think AH I WILL BLOG ABOUT THIS and never do it.
ANYWAY. Recently, despite my older posts being miserable and full of confusion.
IM SO HAPPY =D everything is amazing. My educations all worked out and the idea of Uni next year excited me ^^
Oh , and my annual leave was accepted! so i have 2 weeks off. My laptop died, so im going to buy a new one with the annual leave money!
but anyway... too much to talk about from ages ago, so ill talk about now.
Last night was a Disney themed birthday. I felt so BLEERGH because i worked and had no sleep. i had a nap when i got home, chucked on some clothes made ears and went to michaels.

Tbh, after i got there, i wish i actually put in effort on how i looked xD i didnt spend money and just didnt care to be blunt, because i didnt know the people.
But it was eventful, Michael got really drunk. and i just watched him be silly all night. a Friends friend was there, shes so nice, she dropped me home D: when i live like, 30mins away from her !
I didnt really take photos, unfortunately D:

Upon looking through my camera, which i never use |= i found an old picture of me, Michael and my old friend Emma.

That was 2 years ago, I feel we have all changed so much from then D: its so wierd to look back on photos :\ and notice how different things are since then.
Another thing thats true? i neglect my blog =\
I always get random thoughts and think AH I WILL BLOG ABOUT THIS and never do it.
ANYWAY. Recently, despite my older posts being miserable and full of confusion.
IM SO HAPPY =D everything is amazing. My educations all worked out and the idea of Uni next year excited me ^^
Oh , and my annual leave was accepted! so i have 2 weeks off. My laptop died, so im going to buy a new one with the annual leave money!
but anyway... too much to talk about from ages ago, so ill talk about now.
Last night was a Disney themed birthday. I felt so BLEERGH because i worked and had no sleep. i had a nap when i got home, chucked on some clothes made ears and went to michaels.
Tbh, after i got there, i wish i actually put in effort on how i looked xD i didnt spend money and just didnt care to be blunt, because i didnt know the people.
But it was eventful, Michael got really drunk. and i just watched him be silly all night. a Friends friend was there, shes so nice, she dropped me home D: when i live like, 30mins away from her !
I didnt really take photos, unfortunately D:
Upon looking through my camera, which i never use |= i found an old picture of me, Michael and my old friend Emma.
That was 2 years ago, I feel we have all changed so much from then D: its so wierd to look back on photos :\ and notice how different things are since then.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Too Much Shopping !
Ah! waited too long to blog.
So much to talk about, so i wont bother lol.
But i figure out tafe etc. and feeling good about what the future will bring me :D
no more confusion !
I ahve been doing ALOOOT of online shopping. since a page added me on fb, full of clothes, then i found more through that person, and the stuff is just so cheap O=
so i bought two dresses straight away !
One of the 2 ...

i think its decent for a simple going out dress :)
its the bow D= i couldnt say nooo.
AGGh so today, i prob did the worst thing possible by DROPPING MY DOG !
miniture shitsu , 9 weeks old aghhh, struggles out of my arms and succeeds,
landing head first onto concrete D: i felt so horrible and still do !
Shes OK though, i hope, shes acting ok but gosh :|

Afterward, she looked so helpless :C shes so crazy and running around, took her a while to get like that again. Gosh im horrible at taking care of things D=
GAMBLING i keep gambling my money away !
i was saving for 2 things, a coffee machine, and a netbook. sadly, i would have had enough if i DIDNT GO OUT AND GAMBLE/EAT EVERYTHING!
i need to restrain myself, i put on uneeded weight and yet it wont stop me from buying chips and chocolate to eat at night when i watch movies o:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fishing for the answer with a line and sinker
Uggggh. Whats wrong with me ;__;
this is going bad.
So this morning at 9 im at work just doing my thaang, then a hot cross bun comes through and BLEGH so close to vomitting! then after then, i was shaking and my heart was racing and all that saliva rushing to my mouth :| and i had to leave my register. then im over the toilet with water. super :)
So anyway i went home sick. This keeps happening to me though and its really strange.
Ill be perfectly fine then all of a sudden something suddenly triggers my stomach to hate me and i cant do anything but sleep!
When i was up stairs drinking my water i felt like i was going to fall asleep :||
but half an hour before that i was ecstatic and happy and full of energy !
Anyway now... its looking like im in the bad books and paulas wondering whether to FIRE ME??? IS THAT POSSIBLE??!! i mean... ffs. Last time i was sick was with gastro the day after christmas. and the shift after that one i came in anyway even though i had it and they had to send me home .
I swear im the only one in my store who doesnt go out every weekend and get shit faced too. Every time i call in sick its legit ! so this makes me sad :C
and i really need the money.
I wish i knew what was wrong with mee :,CC
this is going bad.
So this morning at 9 im at work just doing my thaang, then a hot cross bun comes through and BLEGH so close to vomitting! then after then, i was shaking and my heart was racing and all that saliva rushing to my mouth :| and i had to leave my register. then im over the toilet with water. super :)
So anyway i went home sick. This keeps happening to me though and its really strange.
Ill be perfectly fine then all of a sudden something suddenly triggers my stomach to hate me and i cant do anything but sleep!
When i was up stairs drinking my water i felt like i was going to fall asleep :||
but half an hour before that i was ecstatic and happy and full of energy !
Anyway now... its looking like im in the bad books and paulas wondering whether to FIRE ME??? IS THAT POSSIBLE??!! i mean... ffs. Last time i was sick was with gastro the day after christmas. and the shift after that one i came in anyway even though i had it and they had to send me home .
I swear im the only one in my store who doesnt go out every weekend and get shit faced too. Every time i call in sick its legit ! so this makes me sad :C
and i really need the money.
I wish i knew what was wrong with mee :,CC
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
In a perfect world, these things would not exist.
hoiiii! >:]

Ahhh !
starting a new blog. As i usually say, Íll update regularly!'
i hope too though !
mmmm :\ so far, this year has sucked really.
I liked last year, it was like , i didnt have a care in the world.
something goes wrong id just go, well, thats ok :D it will sort out !
I swear from January the 1st, its just been down hill. Seriously too much crap to mention :|
I hope to get back on my feet soon !
Im usually such a positive person but recently i feel like every little thing
has made me pisssssed !
Maybe its to do with, finished school. soooo lost on my future and it scares me.
Woolworths workers are being absolute asses :\\ and sick of it.
And the move, the family stuff, the stresses of living a kajillion miles from where i wish to be. If i want a future, this makes it that tad harder . I would say its my fualt for not even considering to get my licence, but the move was very sudden and no discussion was involved.
I was always so good with my money! but tbh, i never really had much to pay off!
i dont really atm, but phone breaking then mysteriously high bill, accidently not paying $4 of my old bill then getting charged late fee's , oops. owing people unexpectedly all adds up.
i spent my small amount of savings... on internet,, that didnt even work -___-;;
OK enough rant. it will get better. i guess i have put too much pressure on myself to succeed and everytime i fail i just go FFS BEC YOU STUPID HOE FACE STOP LETTING YOURSELF DOWN!!
I got a puppy today :) Miffy <3

i only got one picture.. because Miffy wont stay still.
And my dog Tara hates Evie with a passion today, everytime Evie goes near... Tara attacks!
i hope this wont happen much longer :\\ poor evie's spending most of the night hiding under the table.
hhhrrrrm, i want to get a gym membership, just tone up & be fit because im soooo unfit D:
I wonder if there are any decent gyms sort of near me.
After i pay all my phone crap, ill look into that :D

Ahhh !
starting a new blog. As i usually say, Íll update regularly!'
i hope too though !
mmmm :\ so far, this year has sucked really.
I liked last year, it was like , i didnt have a care in the world.
something goes wrong id just go, well, thats ok :D it will sort out !
I swear from January the 1st, its just been down hill. Seriously too much crap to mention :|
I hope to get back on my feet soon !
Im usually such a positive person but recently i feel like every little thing
has made me pisssssed !
Maybe its to do with, finished school. soooo lost on my future and it scares me.
Woolworths workers are being absolute asses :\\ and sick of it.
And the move, the family stuff, the stresses of living a kajillion miles from where i wish to be. If i want a future, this makes it that tad harder . I would say its my fualt for not even considering to get my licence, but the move was very sudden and no discussion was involved.
I was always so good with my money! but tbh, i never really had much to pay off!
i dont really atm, but phone breaking then mysteriously high bill, accidently not paying $4 of my old bill then getting charged late fee's , oops. owing people unexpectedly all adds up.
i spent my small amount of savings... on internet,, that didnt even work -___-;;
OK enough rant. it will get better. i guess i have put too much pressure on myself to succeed and everytime i fail i just go FFS BEC YOU STUPID HOE FACE STOP LETTING YOURSELF DOWN!!
I got a puppy today :) Miffy <3

i only got one picture.. because Miffy wont stay still.
And my dog Tara hates Evie with a passion today, everytime Evie goes near... Tara attacks!
i hope this wont happen much longer :\\ poor evie's spending most of the night hiding under the table.
hhhrrrrm, i want to get a gym membership, just tone up & be fit because im soooo unfit D:
I wonder if there are any decent gyms sort of near me.
After i pay all my phone crap, ill look into that :D
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